Serving The Ummah in Singapore Since 2015

Al Hilal Ummah Services Was Established Since 2015 To Serve The Muslim Community in Singapore. We Offer a Wide Range of Essential Services in The Following Areas of Qurban, Aqiqah, Badal Haji & Umrah, Jenazah Services, Majlis Tahniq and Majlis Tahlil. In 2024, we also expanded our services to include Islamic Education in the form of classes and workshops.

Help Flood Affected Muslim Families in Cambodia

As the floods continue rising, lives of our Muslim relatives in Kompot Village, Cambodia, are badly affected.

Help them with a Gift of the Family Food Package.

Gift Now

Kursus Mengurus Jenazah Arwah Tersayang

Dapatkan ilmu Fardhu Kifayah yang amat berharga pada bulan August akan datang!

Kursus ini sesuai untuk peserta lelaki dan perempuan.

Beli Tiket Sekarang!
  • Jenazah Services

    Under At Taubah Jenazah Services, we provide Muslim Funeral services in Singapore, taking care of every aspect from cleansing, kafan, burial, solat jenazah of your dearly departed.

    Learn More 
  • Majlis Tahniq

    Welcome your newborn by performing the Majlis of Tahniq (Cukur Rambut). We provide qualified Ustaz to guide and perform the majlis for you.

    Enquire on Whatsapp 
  • Majlis Tahlil

    We perform Majlis Tahlil cum Amal (Online) or Majlis Tahlil (In Person) with the guidance of a qualified Ustaz.

    Enquire on Whatsapp 
  • Badal Haji & Umrah

    Need to fulfill the Hajj or Umrah on behalf of your loved ones who have passed away? We help you fulfill your intentions throughout the year.

    Enquire on Whatsapp 
  • Qurban & Aqiqah

    We provide Aqiqah Services throughout the year and Qurban Services in Zulhijjah.

    Learn More 

Qurban 2024 - Message From Our Co-Founder

Let's Spread Ikhsan To The Ummah

Muslim Communities Around The World Need Your Kindness

The meat from your Qurban will be distributed to the Poor and Needy Muslims in the country it is slaughtered.

For some, this is the only time in the year they get to taste the luxury of eating meat. Let's make it happen for them together this year. Insya Allah.

  • Your Satisfaction Is Our Top Priority

    We believe in delivering the best in our services to you to ensure that your needs and expectations are met.

    We are open to any feedback to improve in any areas we fall short.

    Insya Allah.

  • Thoha Travels Pte Ltd (Since 2009)

    We are proud to be working in partnership with Thoha Travels Pte Ltd for Badal Haji & Umrah.

  • Ustaz Azmi Ulis

    We are grateful to be partnering with Ustaz Azmi Ulis for his guidance in Majlis Tahlil and Tahniq.