Happy To Serve You. Insya Allah.
Al Hilal Ummah Services (UEN: 53467007E) group of companies is made up of:
1) Al Hilal Ummah Services
Focusing on Islamic services for the community such as Tahniq, Tahlil, Qurban and Aqiqah
2) Himayah
Focusing on Islamic Education such as Fardhu Ain, Wasiat and Pengurusan Jenazah - delivered by asatizah with a valid ARS and IECP certification from MUIS
3) At Taubah Jenazah Services
Focusing on Islamic Jenazah Mangement in Singapore
Address: We are located at 55 Changi Road #02-02, Singapore 419709.
Do You Have Enquiries About Any of Our Services?
You may contact us by calling or sending us a Whatsapp message:
+65 9238 6799
+65 92424 6548
Prefer to Email?
Complete the form below and we will get back to you in 2-3 working days.