Assalamualaikum to our dear brothers and sisters in Islam.
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah (SWT) for all the blessings He has favoured upon us.
In Oct 2024, upon the request of our Cambodian partner, Brother Roset, on behalf of the Muslim community in Kompot, Cambodia - Al Hilal Ummah Services ran a campaign to Infaq "Family Food Packages" to the victims of Flooding in the area.
Alhamdulillah, through your generous contributions, we were able to purchase 50 Food Packages which were distributed to the community in the area.
Here are the names of contributors to the campaign:

On-Site Collection
Photos (Click to Enlarge)
House-To-House Distribution
Some packages were reserved and delivered directly to the homes of people who were not able to make it physically to the collection site.
Photos (Click to Enlarge)
May Allah (SWT) accept all your efforts and contributions, and reward you with the best of rewards, and may HE grant you Abundance of Rizq, Good Health, Imaan and Guidance, always. Insha Allah. Amiin.
Looking For More INFAQ or WAQAF Opportunities?
Gift The Gift of Water! You may wish to help the Muslim Community in Kompot Village, Cambodia through the Water Pump Project - where you can help a household to finally gain access to their own water source without having to travel distances or share with others.
May this be of benefit for you too in this life and the hereafter. Insha Allah.